Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Yes! I did it! I went in my first downhill mountain bike race last Sunday at The Lea, just south of Hobart. I came 2nd (out of 2 women) Check out the attached picture. Notice the very well strapped up right wrist which is still giving me a bit of trouble since Mt Buller in January. And the lack of body armour or even sleeves to protect my upper body. So I did ride carefully but reasonably fast - for me. I was the slowest rider on the day but I didn't fall off and my time was still respectable.

I had a great day. Just thought I'd share.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Full on!

FULL ON!! describes the weekend I've just had. Saturday - took Joel mountain biking at Trevallyn in Launceston and then to watch the Crusty Demons motocross show. Those guys are amazing! And then spent all day Sunday watching Australian National Drifting at Symons Plains - a whole day of burning rubber and dust! Actually it was quite fun! Joel is going to edit together a video for youtube.

Next weekend - downhill mountain biking and bushwalking - woohoo!