Tuesday, October 27, 2009

First but not first but still faster

First race of the season - perfect fantastic fine weather, track in perfect fabulous condition, lots fun riding fast but I just could not quite beat those legs 30 years younger than me. I came second, just four seconds behind the young one. But, I did manage to be faster (15 seconds faster)than my previous time on the Wyena track so I'm happy!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Future of mountain biking in my part of the world

Forming - a new mountain bike club in north west Tasmania. We have a website at www.nwtassiemtb.blogspot.com and an email: nwtassiemtb@gmail.com

First - time I have ever been on a club committee.

Future - we are planning to get a world class mountain bike park in the Dial Ranges

Fun in the dirt - there is going to be lots of this

Friends - a great opportunity to make new riding buddies