Friday, March 13, 2009


I am fed-up!

Recently I've had quite a few people telling me I've lost weight - which for some women might be a great complement, but for me it's not, as they are usually implying I am too thin. In the last six months I've dropped from 56kg to about 53kg. I wasn't fat to begin with, but now I have even less fat but more muscle. It's starting to get a little annoying. I'm having trouble finding pants to fit me as I'm too small. And people keep telling me I need to fatten up to look better. Finally, the guy at my local bike shop told me I was too skinny as I was asking him about hiring an exercise bike for those winter months when it's too cold and too dark in Tassie to get outside to ride before or after work, which I enjoy on our fabulously long summer days. So - I thought - what's more important - fitness or fashion? Should I fatten up to look good and risk losing my fitness? I feel good being this light and fit. I am fitter than I have ever been in my 47 years. And it is all thanks to faith and downhill mountain biking!

Fitness or fashion? - the answer is easy - FITNESS!! It's much more fun and combined with faith, helps me go faster!

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