Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fourth and first

Last Sunday was the second race of the state downhill series and I managed fourth and a personal best time for the big bad Glenorchy track. For the state series I have set myself two goals - to win the series and to get a faster time than last year on each track, so I am happy to have done that again.

I rode carefully as I was still sore and my confidence was down a little after falling hard twice on the same track while practicing two weeks previously. Glenorchy is very steep and technical, one of the most difficult downhill race tracks in Australia and it has tended to chew me up and spit me out - rather painful! But I'm not going to give up on it. I will have another go when the National Series comes to Tassie next month for the first race of the series.

The best thing about Sunday was hanging out with the three other girls who came to ride - very friendly and fun. It's great that they all encourage me and help me out even though I'm old enough to be their mum!

Another great thing was I have my first sponsor!! The Anaconda adventure store Hobart is sponsoring me this year which is really cool and fantastic. Here I am in a new jersey and gloves at Glenorchy. Their bike brand is called "Fluid - go with the flow" Love it! Anaconda's tag line is "the adventure starts here" and it really did for me. I had not heard of mountain biking until Anaconda opened their first store around the corner from where I was living in Melbourne in 2004. Joel decided to spend all his Christmas money that year buying his first mountain bike from Anaconda and things went from there - a great and continuing adventure!

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