Thursday, December 31, 2009

Have a FUN 2010!

Happy New Year 2010!

I have a feeling this is going to be a year of fun and adventure - begining with the annual (3rd year in a row) mountain bike road trip across to the big north island of Australia. In 9 days time I'll be on the big red ship, the Spirit of Tasmania, heading off to Melbourne to visit my son and daughter-in-law, then driving to Adelaide for the National Mountain Bike Championships, and then touring the Great Ocean Road on the way to Shepparton for the second round of the National Mountain Bike series. Quite a few Tassie mountain bike friends will also be making the pilgrimage so we can all have fun together getting fried in the heat, filthy from the flicked up dirt as we fly down flowy and fast tracks!!! Woohooo!

Later - road trip with bikes in the UK...

Live life to the full (John 10:10)

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