Monday, December 14, 2009

The last shall be first...

The last shall be first...(That's part of a Bible verse, New Testament somewhere)

I had such a fun day on Sunday at the first round of the Australian National Mountainbike Series at Glenorchy in Hobart, Tasmania. I still can't ride all of this track, but I can ride most of it. I was the slowest rider on the day but I was about 25 seconds faster than my previous best time at Glenorchy and I was the only 'crazy old lady' (as I told some of the boys as we lined up for the shuttle drive to the top of the track) in the Masters age group so I won. I was given an unexpected very loud cheer by the local crowd which was cool (thanks Leigh and Emma), when I got up on the podium to receive my medal (which they promptly took away when I got down! Pretty sure we are all getting engraved medals sent in the mail later, as they used the same 3 medals for all the presentations) We had fabulous perfect weather for the day, the atmosphere was great and so many people were very friendly and chatted to me and encouraged me in my riding. It was so cool! Thank you God! I am having so much fun! Can't wait for the National Championships is Adelaide next month.

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