OK - so here is what all you mtbers have been waiting for! Fort William (which is actually on Aonach Mor about 10 mins out of Fort William) is an awesome track. It has fast flowy friendly sections which are just plain fun and also some frigthening bits that require you ride a bit more fiercely. At first glance the finish looks smaller than you expect but you actually get on the track it is pretty big, as in steep and fast. We had 2 days on the main World Cup track and one day when we did the easier but longer Red Route (that happened because Joel did not have his bike and tried a hire bike which he thought was
s@#$) But we did have fun fun fun while things went well.
Frustration -
On our first day we each got in 3 runs and were begining to feel good and have fun when Joel smashed his rear wheel and put a big dint and crack in it. Off to the bike shop - they just happened to have a suitable on order, should have arrived Tues but didn't turn up til Friday!! The lady in the shop sure gave the suppliers an earful when they told her it hadn't even been sent off on Wednesday and that is why Joel got a free hire bike to try. We decided to stay here an extra 2 days waiting for the rim. Today, Saturday we had a good ride but on his 5th run Joel came off half way down, skinned his knee, hurt his neck and broke the visor off his helmet. It was almost the end of chairlifts anyway, but he is a bit sore.
Fun -
While waiting for the rim we had to fill in time with sightseeing so did more than planned. Luckily there is quite a lot up here.
Where are the pics? You say. Well they will come later as this Maccas free wifi is being way too sloooow...