Friday, August 20, 2010

Fluffy flyer

No riding for the last 3 days!!! :(

I had to take Joel to the doctor to get antibiotics because a blister on his hand (from riding at Innerliethen) got infected. You wouldn't think something so small would be such a big problem but his hand was so sore and swollen he couldn't even hold the pen to sign his name at the surgery. So there was no way he could grip the handle bars of his bike. It is on the mend now.

Yesterday we did an unplanned visit to York (instead of rding) which was very busy and very interesting. Lots of old buildings and history. We went to the Yorvik Viking Centre. York was once a Viking settlement! Could have stayed there longer.

We only went for a walk in Wharncliffe Woods yesterday and today at Keilder we did a few walks, the forest drive, and went to the castle and the Birds of Prey Centre.

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