Friday, November 16, 2007

igoogle and gmail

Well, I've been playing!

igoogle is fun but there are so many time wasting little gadgets to search for. I found some I like though. I reckon they'd be a bit distracting to have on your work computer desktop all the time. Especially the mountain bike online game I added which kept making noises to get my attention to gp play it. Love the funny cat photos!

And just from watching the gmail video, I can't see the point or the advantage of it over my trusty yahoo email account which I've had to for 5 years. Yahoo has improved over that time and I've never had any problems with it and it seems to do everything gmail does. Also I'm not signing up for yet another email address. I already have 3 emails plus this ever growing list of usernames and logins for other things like igoogle, the blog (which I can see great potential in) , facebook, flickr etc etc.

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